St. Georg



Romanesque church with an integrative concept

Good to know



  • Bad Weather Offer

  • Suitable for any weather

  • for Groups

  • for Class

  • for families

  • for individual guests

  • Suitable for the Elderly

Payment Options

Entrance Free


In Cologne, the name St. George does not stand alone for the almost 1000-year-old Romanesque church. Many people in Cologne associate St. George just as quickly with the chaplaincy for the hearing impaired and the integrative congregation of deaf, hard of hearing and hearing people, which has been based here for many years. When you hear the term "integration," you might think of two or even 10 individuals who feel welcomed by a large number of hearing people. But this is not so: At St. George, it's just different.

Here, people with and without hearing disabilities shape parish life together. Speaking lectors and lectors who recite the Word of God in sign language are equally active here. There is a sign choir that performs songs exclusively in sign language, and music opportunities for hearing people. Hearing impaired and hearing people meet for encounters on the high feast days, for the parish café or for the reunion after the vacation season. However, they also meet as separate groups. People with and without hearing disabilities prepare for marriage or baptism celebrations, find advice and accompaniment in life crises.

Of course, hearing and hearing-impaired children and young people also celebrate First Communion and Confirmation together. In St. George there is diversity, which gives everyone the opportunity to find their ecclesiastical home here. To make this possible, the church is equipped with technical hearing aids, and Holy Mass on Sunday mornings at 10:30 is translated into sign language.

There are deaf and hard-of-hearing clubs, a meeting of deaf unemployed people, and also everything else they expect from church. Everyone decides for themselves: Do I want to participate more in what is common, or do I attend the special offers for my group? People with hearing disabilities should be involved in the common events as much as possible; this is called: Inclusion; integration and inclusion are our goals. At St. George's, inclusion is something quite normal, just "all inclusive..."

Directions & Parking facilities

The walk from the stop "Poststraße" ( Tram: 3, 4, 16, 18) to the church St. Georg takes about 8 minutes.


KölnTourismus GmbH
Kardinal-Höffner-Platz 1
50667 Köln
